Father, we thank you! We thank You for your love, your joy, your peace, your guidance! We thank you for being who you are in our lives! We look to you for EVERYTHING! We recognize that you are our source and that there is nothing good that you would withhold from us! We trust in you and we turn to you God, and we ask that you would be with us! Inhabit our lives, fill our hearts with your glory and love! Let your glory shine brightly through us! Let your love in us become contagious to the world around us! We need your love on this earth! Use us as your vessels to continue to spread your love and use us to fulfill the plans of your heart, here on the earth! We yield to you and we know without a doubt that you are our King! Our agendas, let it be crucified, that your agenda may become ours. We won't fight you and your will; we embrace all that you have for us! We will embrace freedom in you, Jesus! We will embrace who you have created us to be! We will embrace the call and the assignment on our lives! We know that we owe you our entire lives. So, we humble ourselves and we turn to you; seeking your face and we ask that you will heal the land. Heal our hearts, purify our souls, renew our minds, transform us! Be glorified in us, on Earth! Let our lives bring you glory! Let ALL of heaven and earth declare your glory!!! Keep us grounded in your truth! Release revelation that will cause us to grow and mature in you! We want to be transformed daily! We want to grow in you daily! Teach us! Show us! Reveal to us...... YOU!!!! We ask these things in Jesus' name, AMEN!
This morning, while I was on my way to work, there was a revelation that hit my spirit and I would like to encourage you with the same word that encouraged my heart!
I was driving north and I looked to the east side, the sun was shining bright and the skies were blue. On the west side, there was a storm, dark clouds filled the sky. No matter what direction you look at - from east to west or from west to east - the difference in the skies resemble a portion of our journey in life. We go from a season of many blessings and joy to a season of tests and trials or we go from a season of trials, a season that requires much perseverance, to a season where we reap joyfully what we have sown in the season of the storm. Looking toward the west, I saw a rainbow in the sky. From where I was postured, the rainbow was evident before the storm even hit. Holy Spirit spoke so clearly & said that there is a promise that stands even before the storm. Think about it, before we hit the storms of life, there is a promise that stands you before regardless of what's coming. Even if the dark clouds, increase and the rainbow is not visible, there is still a promise that met you at the door of that season. That promise, you are to hold on to and carry through the storm. The funny thing is if you were coming from the west, looking east, the position of the rainbow never changed, however the rainbow seemed to be where the sun and brightest skies were. At the end of the day/season, at the end of the storm, the promise met you. The promise was evident at the end of the storm. I want to encourage you, that no matter what storm of life you are in right now. The promise meets you at the door of that season, and it will be there at the end of the season. However, the key is for you to hold on to and remember the promise as you go through the storm. Don't allow the storm you take you out! Don't allow the storm to drown you! Don't let the dark clouds intimidate you! The promise still stands - it met you at the door of the storm, it will be there at the end!!! Thank You Lord for your promises and your words concerning our lives! Thank You that they stand in the midst of the storm! Thank You for meeting us before the storm! Thank You for greeting us at the end of the storm! You are our reward & we seek to please You! Keep us in the storm! Remind us of Your Word during the storm and we Thank You for the Rainbow before the Storm!!! I admonish you to begin dreaming again!!! Let visions come to past and don't be afraid to do dream!!! The enemy has used nightmares to instill fear in us to stop us from bringing forth what God has placed in us! COME AGAINST HIS PLAN AND DREAM!!!!!! Dreams By: Langston Hughes Hold fast to dreams For if dreams die Life is a broken-winged bird That cannot fly. Hold fast to dreams For when dreams go Life is a barren field Frozen with snow. Retrieved by www.allpoetry.com |
AuthorRaine's heart is burdened with the passion to share with others different resources that will keep the passion, honor, and value for worship unto God ALIVE! Archives
May 2018
CategoriesWorship Resources Sites:
www.worshipministry.com www.ibethel.org www.gatewayworship.com www.elevationchurch.com |