I was in prayer this morning and the Lord was really dealing with me concerning this flesh of mines! I was repenting to God because I found myself to be passionately opinionated about various things going on with me and others. This is truly good and fine in it's place; but it had gotten to the point where I find myself walking in a bit of haughtiness.
"Who do I think I am...???" I also found it extremely difficult to love as the Father instructs us to love; ESPECIALLY if someone is just evil! "What level of self-righteousness, right?!?!?" So, this morning I am truly repenting concerning this! I was asking the Lord to strengthen my spirit man! He became to deal with me about how Holy Spirit is present and willing to help but I must be willing to take heed to his instructions. I began thinking... How many times have I ignored the small nudges of HIS Spirit??? I began to realize that I have ignored Holy Spirit, quite a few times, because of what I was feeling in my flesh!!! Oh, Forgive me Lord! The Lord in His infinite wisdom continued to share HIS Heart in my spirit...... The nature of the flesh is sin and wickedness...ungodliness! We constantly feed this nature when we continue to give into the desires of it... even if it seems harmless! The more we deny this flesh and live according to the desires of the Spirit of God, our spirit man will be strengthen and able to stand up against the flesh and it's desires. We must be cautious of everything we open ourselves up to; even the VERY LITTLE SUBTLE THINGS... considering the root of it's nature, it will begin to feed our flesh. We must live lives that stand consecrated, embracing only things of the Spirit of God! There is a greater level of consecration required; especially in THIS hour! The level requires us to be extremely cautious and aware of things we allow to enter our gates. We can't ignore the subtle things or the small foxes! Song of Solomon 2:15 (AMP) " Catch the foxes for us, The little foxes that spoil and ruin the vineyards, while our vineyards are in blossom." Through scripture, the Lord used Solomon to speak wisdom that has a depth of revelation to it! This scripture can be taken in so many ways; depending on the direction the Lord is revealing to you in any given moment. As it refers to this topic today, the Lord wants us to: 1. "Catch the foxes..." There are many several small things in our lives that don't seem destructive upon first glance. We open ourselves up to it and eventually it begins to become destructive once it's there... WHY?? Because it doesn't belong! Social Media can become a small fox in our lives, TV (especially certain shows) can become a small fox, Gossip ( especially if it's masked as helping someone), and many more... can become that Small Fox! So, the Lord instructs us NOT to let it run wild..... CATCH IT!!! 2. "...The little foxes that spoil and ruin the vineyards,..." It's the subtle (little, minor) things that spoils and ruins everything! We have to be extremely cautious of what we allow in our spirit man. Those minor things can tremendously plant seeds of destruction within the vineyards. We have to take time out to examine what we allow to invade our gates. IT MAY SPOIL YOUR GARDEN (your life)! 3. "...While our vineyards are in blossom." This part of the scripture gives us a clue that the foxes don't come when our garden is bare or in it's beginning stages. The foxes are attracted to the growth in your Garden! As you continue to grow and you began to produce, the foxes always tend to find it's way your fruit; ESPECIALLY when you are in FULL BLOOM! Ever feel like while everything is going good and moving, there is ALWAYS Something... that tends to creep up! So, be mindful of the entryways/ gateways that allow the "small foxes"(subtle things) to invade your garden(your life)! It will weaken your spirit man! It is my prayer that you will watch for and CATCH the foxes that may try to invade your garden; Don't let your Garden won't be destroyed and CATCH IT, so your Fruit will remain!!! Love you! Be Blessed! * Psalmist Raine
AuthorRaine's heart is burdened with the passion to share with others different resources that will keep the passion, honor, and value for worship unto God ALIVE! Archives
May 2018
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